Ok here me out. Let me introduce myself. Many may already know me if you're in public safety. My name is Mark Sallada, I have been a volunteer firefighter since I been wearing diapers and a retired K9 officer of 15 yeas. My mother is an assistant fire chief, my sister a deputy in EMS, brother-in-law a fire deputy and my wife a deputy in search & rescue. See where I am going here......I bleed public safety. We are hard working, caring, honest and giving back people.
I know what you are thinking... here we go again another detailing product company. Well, someone told me that about 14 years ago too when I started a company called 911 Rapid Response. 911 Rapid Response was born off of passion, beliefs, good work ethic and a little bit of brains. I learned early on the product will sell itself if you are just honest with your customers. 911 Rapid Response and the 4 other divisions within have become known worldwide for its emergency vehicles and fire apparatus.
Every entrepreneur has a hobby right? Mine was always chemicals. Maybe it was oil, or detailing products or possibly even the chemistry of how one wrong molecule can make the difference between having margarine or hunk of plastic. I would send samples to laboratories to get tested so I could review the results. Yes, yes I am a nerd in this aspect.
This is exactly how "3rd Alarm" detail products was born. Test, apply, throw away, repeat. Until that perfect chemistry was found to provide a quality product that can withstand not just the everyday person but that fire truck in NYC running thousands of calls a year. Everyone works too hard today to not protect one of things most of you use every single day, a vehicle.
"3rd Alarm" is simple. We have a simple line of products, that work. No gimmicks, no special chemical names and none of this using one product in 5 different bottles just so you think otherwise.
Welcome to 3rd alarm products,
Mark Sallada